Friday, February 8, 2008

Sunny Day

Today is beautiful! I have to keep reminding myself that the weather in Idaho is nasty right now. So here are some pictures of Stratton enjoying Arizona's winter.


Melissa said...

Ugh! I'm so jealous! It looks beautiful there! I'm so glad you have nice grass to play on!

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit that Stratton wasn't the first thing/one I noticed in the pic. I can't believe you have green grass!!

Camille said...

I am so insanely jealous. It is a good thing that i like you so much or we might not be friends anymore. :) I was cracking up at the fact that you let your guard down and fireworks . . . you are so funny! Stratton is growing up to be the cutest boy!! I want to meet him in person sometime!!

Denise said...

Stratton is so cute. I love the green outdoor pictures. I just have to wait for ages to get any pictures like that of my kids. Actually I don't think the grass here ever gets that green. If you want to see a lot of white look at my blogg. We have plenty of that color to go around.